Saturday, March 30, 2013

Allergy symptoms and spirit manifestation?

The purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for me to discuss my adventures in spirit, of course. The historical background is important to me, to create context, to present technology the way that some other people have utilized it. Ultimately, though, the creation of a link between whatever spirit is and my consciousness is a pretty personal matter. Whenever I am talking about that, it's all me. I want to describe my experiences in a way that I hope will arouse interest in doing this kind of work, and also in a manner that will facilitate others' entrance into it. With all that in mind, here we go.

I awakened this morning with allergy symptoms. I have recently moved to the Florida panhandle, and having grown up in a place with different flora, as well as much less humidity, amount of pollen in the air is a completely new thing. I have gone from the person who says "nope, I'm not allergic to anything" to "pass the Benadryl."

I bring this up because the physical state brought on by the allergies is not dissimilar to what I feel when am acting as a seer. My head feels a little bit of pressure, my neck and upper back are wearing some tension. I feel isolated and insulated in my body. There are times when I experience a ringing in my ears. All of these factors come together to amplify any sensory experience that occurs during the rite. This is important because a significant amount of the "raw data" I acquire during the rite is actually neither visual nor auditory.

The issue of physical state when opening oneself up to what might be sensed only by being very quiet of mind and additionally very still of body will be discussed (probably ad nauseum) whilst I'm describing my role in the current rites that RO and I are doing. We're going to be doing tag-team discussions about the relationship between seer and conjuror in the near future, and much about how this all seems to work will be illuminated.

This will all begin in the next few days with (from my side) a discussion of how seership differs from "aspecting" and how my personal past has contributed to my occult abilities, preparations that I follow prior to mediumship, leading up to my actual experiences during the rites. RO will be writing about topics that more or less mirror these, but I'll leave that for him to expose.

Ladies and gentlemen, the game is afoot.